Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need a building consent?
Most building and some demolition work requires a building consent. This includes alterations, additions and new work.
Building work that does not require a building consent - Schedule 1
Building work that does not require a building consent - guidance
But what if my building is very small?
If the building is less than 10 square metres in size, and has no services in it, and is located at least the height of the building away from any boundary, a consent may not be required. If in doubt, ask the Council's Duty Building Control Officer. All other projects will usually need consent before the work is started.
Can I build a garage and live in it?
No. A building for a garage use is constructed to different standards from dwellings. You need to decide what the use of the building is, then build to the standards required. So if you intend to live in a building, it must be built to dwelling standards.
Do I need a building consent for plumbing and drainage?
Yes. All plumbing and drainage work requires a building consent. But some minor work is exempt which must be carried out by an approved person refer to guidance document.
What about gas and electrical services?
Electrical and gas work does not normally need a building consent, except for commercial and industrial buildings. Air conditioning systems in commercial and industrial buildings do need building consents